Up first- Cake Pop Eyeballs For the cakes.

  • Cake Pop eyeballs- here’s lookin’ at you, kid

Up first- Cake Pop Eyeballs

For the cakes, you will need:
  • 1 package cake mix, any flavor you like
  • 1 cake pop pan (I use the kind that clips together. I know nothing about the automatic kind, sorry)
  • non-stick spray with flour. I use Baker's Joy, but Pam has one with flour in it also
  • 1 3.9 oz package instant pudding mix
  • milk, oil, and eggs


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. The pop pan directions say 350, but my pan is dark and the pops burn if the temperature is that high.
  2. To make the best tasting cake pops, if your cake mix calls for water, use milk, but only half of the amount called for. For example, if the cake directions say: 1 and 1/2 cups water, you would use 3/4 cup milk. Also add one additional egg. If the recipe calls for 3 eggs, use 4. These are the specific instructions that came with my cake pop pan, and really provides the best results.
  3. In a large bowl, beat together the cake mix, instant pudding powder, eggs, oil, and milk; 30 seconds on low, 2 minutes on medium. This is going to be a very thick batter. Just be glad you aren't whisking it :)
  4. Liberally spray the insides of both cake pop pans with the non-stick flour spray. Also spray the outside of the top pan, because the batter will rise through the holes and spraying it will REALLY aid in clean up. Trust me.
  5. Fill your pans according to the directions, clip together, and put it in the oven for 25 minutes.
  6. The batter will definitely bubble out of the holes in the top, so don't be alarmed when you see cake volcanoes in your oven. The scraps are perfectly edible. Yum yum.
  7. Let the pan cool off for a few minutes before removing the cakes.
  8. The cakes need to cool completely before they are frosted, usually an hour is fine.

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