Easy Do It Yourself Creepy Halloween Makeup To Use.

Easy Do It Yourself Creepy Halloween Makeup To Use

Image from Wikapedia

Do It Yourself

The makeup kits in stores are cool granted but if you don't have a big budget, want something you can not find or really want to go all out I suggest using these easy tricks to make a truly creepy look.Weather you decide on being a zombie, vampire, ghost, or you get creative and design a who concept yourself I have seen some great beat up sports figures etc as costumes. The makeup can wow a mediocre costume anyone can buy a nice outfit you may be the fith zombie in the room so why not stand out from the undead. I have used these in the past and improvised on materials or what I found in my cabinet. You can make a quick costume that will wow and gross out others without buying a expensive costume.
I used this to do a pirate the makeup stayed on great wasn't as itchy as many other makeup kits I tried. I had one whole side of my face disfigured (picture Freddy kruger) and a deep slash in my thought. My story was my gun misfired during a fight. Sorry guys I ca a picture of it its somewhere in my house. I got a lot of cool reactions and a lot of requests to actually touch the scars they looked so real. I basically used stuff around the house only.

Warts, Moles and Growths

  • White school glue
  •  Puffed wheat cereal, pompom balls whatever you can think of
  • Skin colored or brown makeup
Glue a piece of what you want on to your skin. Then let the glue dry. Once the glue is dry on your face cover the area  with skin colored makeup. If you want warts, use  black or brown makeup or face paint.

Wrinkles and closed Scars

  • school glue ( safe and non-toxic for use on skin)
  • Cereal or tissue paperWhite
To create wrinkles or somthing else in that range of scaley skin, clsoded scars and skin flaps simply skin. Decxide where you want it dampen paper or material with glue thinly tweak wet for drastic looks or go subtle by letting it dry and then lightly rub hand over it. Color how you want for skin tones foundation works well but zombies etc you could get creative.

Fake Blood

  •  light corn syrup
  •  Hot water
  •  Red food coloring
  •  liquid soap
  •  Blue or green food coloring
Put some corn syrup into the bowl. Then add hot water while stirring, until its the consistency you want (not to watery). Next add some liquid soap (which will it easier to clean up). Add red food coloring to make it darker add a bit of blue or green.Use it for whatever you had in mind.


  • Deep blue powder eye shadow
  • Charcoal powder eye shadow
  • Shimmering green powder eye shadow
  • A makeup brush, or other items to apply makeup even cotton balls work but are harder to do fine work with
Dampin makeup applicator slightly then dip it in blue, purple, or red  eye shadow.
With fingertips or q tips add splotches of grey, black eye shadow and make areas darker.
Next put green powder around the outside. Finally smudge the entire area.

Open Wounds/ Scars

  • Clear gelatin
  • Hot water
  • Bowl
  • Spoon
  • makeup, Foundation or red food coloring
  • Sponges, q tips, or makeup brushes
  • Anything you want to add fake bone sticking out (put in before knox dry and make sure not to heavy) saftey pins etc
Mix gelatin and water in a bowl stirring until mixture is smooth but not watery you may add a little food coloring if you want. After the gelatin cools to room temperature, but still can be smeared and shaped mold the mixture on your skin in the shape you want. Take a break and let it dry completely.
Next pull out your moms, sister or whoever makeup or the stuff you bought. I first use reds purples and black to fill in the center the deeper the hole the darker you go lighten as you work outward from the wound. Next I use cover-up foundation its easier to get real skin tones most females have it then mixing costume paint. With a sponge start covering outside wound blending some red etc in it will make bruising etc look more real you may need to fiddle to get the color and depth just right. Use makeup to color in remember darker is more open area going lighter as work out until reach skin tone which can be achieved by using foundation makeup.
Now details such as safety pins you may want to have help with if you want to put them in the fake wound. Make sure you only have the formed gelitin on your skin hence the lumping/ gooping earlier. then place the pins through it. Tada you have a really gross and real looking scar wound.

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